UltraStor® Storage Products   Majestic 5 Octave Marimba - M1550P - Jersey Surf

The Visual & Performing Arts Department desperately needs more storage lockers for students to keep their personal instruments, as well as for storage for our school owned instruments. Wenger lockers allow for students to secure their instrument with a padlock. We currently have some lockers, but not enough and have to use shelving and even stacked tables for instrument storage. 4 locker banks (which each cost approximately $3000) would make a huge difference to the music department.

The Visual & Performing Arts Department also needs a 5 octave marimba, which costs approximately $7,000.  There are exceptionally talented percussion students who attend Lincoln Park HS because of our music program and reputation. Not having a 5 octave marimba prohibits the most advanced students from playing repertoire that requires this size instrument. This instrument also will benefit percussionists in all our bands and will be an instrument that up to three students can play simulatenously in all of the band classes.

Third, the Choir Department needs a new digital piano, which costs approximately $2,900.  The current piano is almost 10 years old, and a new one will greatly benefit all choir students, as it is used every day in every period and at all concerts .